What is Financial Fraud?
Financial Fraud is a deception carried out for the purpose
of achieving personal or institutional gain while causing
injury to other parties. For example, selling a new security
when issuers conceal important facts related to the use is a
fraud. Like this, financial fraud can take numerous
different shapes, and fraudsters wear tons of different
masks. From Ponzi scheme that shocks the world, tax fraud
that steals money from our nation’s coffers, credit card
fraud that strikes broadly, and the list goes on.
Types of
Financial Fraud
Affinity Fraud, Scams
& Schemes
Affinity Fraud includes investment scams take place in
identifiable groups, such as religious or ethnic
communities, the elderly or professional groups. The
schemers who attempt to raise affinity scams are the members
of the group or pretend to be members of the group. Schemers
often recruit respected community or religious leaders
within the group to promote the fraud by convincing people
that a fraudulent investment is justifiable and worthwhile.
To find more about the Affinity Fraud,
click here.
The Ponzi Scheme
Named after the first famous schemer, Charles Ponzi, the
schemes use money collected from new 'investors' (i.e.,
victims), rather than profits from the purported underlying
business venture, to pay the high rates of return promised
to earlier victims. This arrangement gives victims the
impression that there is a legitimate, money-making
enterprise behind the perpetrator's story when, in reality,
victim monies are the only source of funding. To find more
about the Ponzi Scheme,
click here.
The Pyramid Scheme
As in Ponzi schemes, the money collected from newer victims
of the fraud is paid to earlier victims to provide a veneer
of legitimacy. In pyramid schemes, however, the victims
themselves are induced to recruit further victims through
the payment of recruitment commissions. To find more about
the Pyramid Scheme,
click here.
How to protect yourself
- Check out everything regardless of
how trustworthy the person seems who promotes the
- Never fall for investment that promise spectacular
profits or “guaranteed” returns
- Be suspicious of any investment opportunity that is
not written.
- Never rush into putting money into investment before
you have identified or justified investment.
For more information please visit U.S
Securities and Commission Exchange’s website:

Advance Fee Fraud
Advanced fee fraud occurs when victim is persuaded to
advance sums of money in anticipation of receiving something
of greater value, such as a loan contract, investment or
gift, but receives nothing or little in return. Among
variations, Nigerian letter (419 Scam), Spanish Prisoner
scam, and Black money scam are the most popular types of
this fraud.
Nigerian letter (419 Scam)
Name after violation of Sec. 419 of Nigerian Criminal Code,
the 419 scam coalesce the impersonation fraud with advanced
fee scheme to persuade potential victim to pay contacting
them via a letter, email, or fax. Schemers represent
themselves as Nigerian or foreign government officers and
offer the victims the ‘opportunity’ to share in a percentage
of millions of dollars, asking for certain amount of fund
transfer into foreign bank accounts. Schemers provide
detailed amounts to release the restricted fund including
taxes, bribes to government officials, and legal fees, which
are promised to be reimbursed after the fund is released.
When victims make investments, the funds won’t return in
most case.
Here’s the example of Nigerian Letter, and you can find
more Information related to 419 Scam at Federal Bureau of
Scanned Email
Spanish Prisoner Scam
In its original form, schemer (Confidence man) tells the
victim (target) that he is connected to a wealthy person who
has been imprisoned in Spain due to false identity. The
prisoner can’t reveal his identity, and asked him to raise
some funds to secure his release. The Schemer persuade
victim to give some money with a promise of generous reward
such as high return on investment and/or marriage with
prisoner’s beautiful sister or daughter when the prisoner is
released. However, when victim turns in the money, schemers
ask for more funds because of unexpected difficulties, and
keep requires more money until victim is underfunded.
Black Money Scam (Wash Wash Scam)
The con artists (schemers) persuade victim for investment on
piles of banknote sized paper or real money in a trunk which
has been dyed black to take the victim’s money. The victim
is persuaded to pay for chemical to wash the money or bank
note with a promise of high return on investment. Here’s an
example of Black money Scam, which resulted more than $2.5
million dollars of loss.

Tips to avoid the scam
If the offer of an "opportunity" appears too good to be
true, it probably is. Follow common business practice. For
example, legitimate business is rarely conducted in cash on
a street corner.
Know who you are dealing with. If you have not heard of a
person or company that you intend to do business with, learn
more about them. Depending on the amount of money that you
intend to spend, you may want to visit the business
location, check with the Better Business Bureau, or consult
with your bank, an attorney, or the police.
Make sure you fully understand any business agreement
that you enter into. If the terms are complex, have them
reviewed by a competent attorney.
Be wary of businesses that operate out of post office
boxes or mail drops and do not have a street address, or of
dealing with persons who do not have a direct telephone
line, who are never "in" when you call, but always return
your call later.
Be wary of business deals that require you to sign
nondisclosure or no circumvention agreements that are
designed to prevent you from independently verifying the
bona fides of the people with whom you intend to do
business. Con artists often use no circumvention agreements
to threaten their victims with civil suit if they report
their losses to law enforcement.
You can find more information related to Advanced
Fee Fraud at Federal Bureau of Investigation or U.K.
Metropolitan Police.

Corporate Fraud
Corporate fraud engages in accounting schemes which
manipulates the financial data to conceal the real financial
condition of the corporation from investors, auditors, and
analyst. The corporation can keep the artificially inflated
stock share price based on fraudulent performance indicators
by manipulating financial data. Corporation fraud not only
threatens the investors but also whole U.S Economy.
Types of Corporation Fraud
Falsification of financial information, including:
a. False accounting entries;
b. Bogus trades designed to inflate profit or hide losses;
c. False transactions designed to evade regulatory
Self-dealing by corporate insiders, including:
a. Insider trading;
b. Kickbacks;
c. Backdating of executive stock options;
d. Misuse of corporate property for personal gain; and,
e. Individual tax violations related to self-dealing.
Obstruction of justice designed to conceal any of the
above-noted types of criminal conduct, particularly when the
obstruction impedes the inquiries of the SEC, other
regulatory agencies, and/or law enforcement agencies.
(Source: FBI 2010 Financial Crime Report)

Enron Scandal
Enron, a company that once represented the pinnacle of
corporate success, is now a symbol of corporate accounting
fraud that can go horribly wrong in the corporate world.
When Enron went bankrupt due to after damage of frauds, it
resulted at least $ 25 billion loss on investors as its
stock dropped, $ 1 billion loss in retirement funds, and
$7.2 billion on civilians. Enron manipulated its financial
statements in order to inflate its earnings and stock prices
by using following frauds.
1. The
abuse of mark to market accounting
2. The
improper use of off-balance sheet entities which is used to
a. Understate debt
b. Overstate earnings via:
- Related-party sales
- Loans disguised as sales
- Related-party management fees
- Contrived put options purporting to lock in profits on
investments in shares
- Mark-to-market revaluations of assets via references to
contrived sales to these contrived entities
- Recognition of profits on its own stock that was issued to
off-blance-sheet entities
Misclassification of “prepays” as sales
(Source: Business Fairy Tales)
For more information:
- Please read the press released from Securities
Exchange Commission entitled, SEC CHARGES ANDREW S.
FRAUD or Business Fairy Tales.

Credit Card Fraud
Credit card fraud includes all the terms for theft and fraud
committed using a credit card or similar payment mechanism
as a fraudulent source of funding in a transaction. It can
range from using a stolen credit card to creating chargeback
fraud, which use fraudulent payment information to get
merchandise. The rise of internet commerce has amplified the
victims of credit card frauds as unsafe or fraudulent online
transactions not only boosts credit card fraud but also
leaks personal information.
Dollar Loss
Despite small percentage in total credit card sales as
0.07%, credit and charge card fraud incur the loss more than
$500 million a year because of massive size of total credit
card sales.
Who pays for the loss?
Even if you haven’t been defrauded yourself, the cost of
goods and services increase to cover up the loss from credit
and charge card frauds, which means everyone pays for the
Types of Credit Card Fraud
Stolen Credit Cards and Numbers
Stolen credit card fraud, one of the most common credit card
fraud, occurs when criminals uses either a stolen credit
card or credit card numbers attempt to purchase items or
make payments under the cardholders’ liabilities. Criminals
can credit cards and credit card number from stealing the
actual cards, collecting physical receipts that you throw
away, intercepting the credit cards in the mail, or stealing
the credit card numbers from your online transactions
Counterfeit Credit Card Fraud
Counterfeit credit card fraud makes financial loss to a
business which provides goods or services to a customer who
pays with a counterfeit credit card with fake numbers, name,
and other fraudulent information. It is impossible for goods
and services providers to receive payments as the
counterfeit credit card is not actually linked to physical
Identity Theft
Identity theft in credit card fraud leads criminals to
create a fake identification to charge or takeover someone
else’s account. Criminals may steal documents such as
utility bills and bank statements to learn personal
background and can use these information to set up new
accounts or takeover existing accounts. For example, when
criminals have sufficient information, they call bank to
cancel the victim’s credit card, and request bank to issue a
new credit card to him or her.
Business credit card fraud
Credit card fraud against business can be simple. Criminals
purchase goods or services demanding a chargeback and
neglect to pay for purchases or provide falsified payment
Skimming is stealing someone else’s credit cards information
used in legitimate transactions, which usually set up by
dishonest employee or merchant. The criminal can collect
customer’s credit card information using original receipt or
skimmer (small electric device that stores hundreds of
credit card numbers that has been swiped through payment
machine). In other case, criminals use skimmer installed ATM
(Automated Teller Machine) to collect the credit card number
and pin number.
For more information:
Please read an article posted on Georgia Governor’s
office of consumer affairs entitled, Credit Card Skimming.

How to protect yourself
- Sign your cards as soon as they
- Carry your cards separately from your wallet, in a
zippered compartment, a business card holder, or another
small pouch.
- Keep a record of your account numbers, their
expiration dates, and the phone number and address of each
company in a secure place.
- Keep an eye on your card during the transaction, and
get it back as quickly as possible.
- Void incorrect receipts.
- Destroy carbons.
- Save receipts to compare with billing statements.
- Open bills promptly and reconcile accounts monthly,
just as you would your checking account.
- Report any questionable charges promptly and in
writing to the card issuer.
- Notify card companies in advance of a change in
- Lend your card(s) to anyone.
- Leave cards or receipts lying around.
- Sign a blank receipt. When you sign a receipt, draw
a line through any blank spaces above the total.
- Write your account number on a postcard or the
outside of an envelope.
- Give out your account number over the phone unless
you're making the call to a company you know is reputable.
If you have questions about a company, check it out with
your local consumer protection office or Better Business
For more protection regarding protection:

Securities and Commodities Fraud
Securities fraud can be described as deceptive practices in
the commodity and stock markets. The Securities Act of 1933
and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 prohibit the use of
manipulative or deceptive devices, making false statements
in order to increase market share, conspiracy and other acts
of unfair market practices
Securities Act of 1933, 15 U.S.C. Sec 77a to 77aa,1 982.
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, 15 U.S.C. Sec 78a to
Securities regulators and other prominent groups have
estimated that securities and commodities fraud totals
approximately $40 billion per year. Federal Bureau of
Investigations’ economic crime unit stated that the
securities market in the United States has huge impact on
nation’s wealth based on enormous number of individual
investors exceeding 250 million. The bigger the market is,
the more opportunity for criminal activities exists.
Types of Securities and Commodities Fraud
(source:FBI Financial Crime Report)
Market Manipulation
Market manipulation schemes, commonly referred as ‘pump and
dumps’, manipulate the price of a targeted security by
creating artificial pressure for a targeted security,
generally issued by low volume trader in over the counter
securities market that is largely controlled by the fraud
perpetrators. When the artificially increased trading volume
inflates the price of the security (i.e., the “pump”), the
fraud perpetrators quickly sell off the inflated security
into the market (i.e., the “dump”), resulting in illicit
gains to the schemers and losses to innocent investors.
Usually, the trading volume is amplified by inducing
unwitting investors to purchases the shares of the security
through false or deceptive sales practices and/or public
information releases.
High Yield Investment Fraud
High yield investment fraud schemes take diversified forms,
but offers low or no risk investment that guarantee usually
high rate of return all the times. Following schemes are
popular high yield investment fraud.
The Ponzi Scheme
Named after the first famous schemer, Charles Ponzi, the
schemes use money collected from new 'investors' (i.e.,
victims), rather than profits from the purported underlying
business venture, to pay the high rates of return promised
to earlier victims. This arrangement gives victims the
impression that there is a legitimate, money-making
enterprise behind the perpetrator's story when, in reality,
victim monies are the only source of funding. To find more
about the Ponzi Scheme, click here.
The Pyramid Scheme
As in Ponzi schemes, the money collected from newer victims
of the fraud is paid to earlier victims to provide a veneer
of legitimacy. In pyramid schemes, however, the victims
themselves are induced to recruit further victims through
the payment of recruitment commissions. To find more about
the Pyramid Scheme, click here.
Prime Bank Scheme
Victims are induced to invest in financial instruments,
allegedly issued by well-known institutions, which offer
risk-free opportunities for high rates of return; benefits
which are allegedly the result of the perpetrator's access
to a secret worldwide exchange ordinarily open only to the
world's largest financial institutions.
Advance Fee Fraud
Advanced fee fraud encompasses a broad variety of schemes
which are designed to induce their victims into remitting
up-front payments in exchange for the promise of goods,
services, and/or prizes. In the securities and commodities
fraud context, victims are informed that in order to
participate in a promising investment opportunity, they must
first pay various taxes and/or fees. For more detailed
information, click here (Connect to advanced fee fraud
Hedge Fund Fraud
Hedge funds are private investment partnerships that usually
recruited only high net worth individual investors willing
to meet significant minimum investment thresholds. It’s not
well regulated industry, but exponentially growing as it’s
introduced to middle class investors through ancillary
investments (e.g., pension funds.). The relative lack of
regulatory has led the industry venerable to fraud by
managers resulting illegal activities including overstating
and/or misappropriating fund assets, overcharging for fund
management fees, insider trading, marketing timing, and late
Commodities Fraud
These schemes usually involve the deceptive or fraudulent
sale of commodities investments. In most case, false or
deceptive sales practices are used to solicit victim funds
for commodities transactions that either never occur or are
different from original sales pitches. On other hand,
schemers may attempt to illegally manipulate the market for
a commodity by such actions as fraudulently reporting price
information or inflating price of the targeted commodity by
Foreign Exchange Fraud
These schemes are characterized by the use of false or
deceptive sales practices, alleging high rates of return for
minimal risk, to induce victims to invest in the foreign
currency exchange market. In such instances, the touted
transactions either never occur, are inconsistent with the
original sales pitches or executed for the sole purpose of
generating excessive trading commissions in breach of
fiduciary responsibilities to the victim client.
Alternatively, individual corrupt currency traders employed
by large financial institutions may attempt to manipulate
foreign currency exchange prices in an effort to generate
illicit trading profits for their own enrichment.
Broker Embezzlement
Broken embezzlement involves illegal and unauthorized
actions by brokers to steal directly from their clients.
Such schemes can be placed by forging of client documents,
doctoring of account statements, unauthorized trading/funds
transfer activities, or other conduct in breach of the
broker's fiduciary responsibilities to the victim client.
Late-Day Trading
These schemes involve the illicit purchase and sale of
securities after regular market hours. Such trading is
restricted in order to prevent individuals from profiting on
market moving information which is released after the close
of regular trading. Unscrupulous traders attempt to
illegally exploit such opportunities by buying or selling
securities at the market close price, secure in the
knowledge that the market moving information will generate
illicit profits at the opening of trading on the following

Examples of well known fraudulent securities
"Limited Edition" Treasury Securities
Some foreign individuals and groups are trying to sell
fictitious U.S. Treasury securities referred to as "Limited
Edition" Treasury securities. As part of this scheme,
entities such as broker-dealers and banks are being
approached to act as fiduciaries for transactions. The
proposal to sell these fictitious securities makes
misrepresentations about the way marketable securities are
bought and sold, and it also misrepresents the role that we
play in the original sale and issuance of our securities.
U.S. Treasury Bills - One Year
"Fresh Cut"
These fictitious securities are being offered for sale. A
person who said he was a consultant to less developed or
Third World countries offered an individual these
securities. This transaction was for $500 billion - an
astounding amount in itself. In another incident, a large
government securities dealer was contacted to enter into a
transaction involving these securities. We never issued any
Treasury bills that were named One-Year "Fresh Cut."
"U.S. Dollar Bonds"
We get many inquiries, mostly from the Far East, about these
bonds being issued in the 1930s or early 1940s by the CIA to
help Chiang Kai-Shek fight the communists. It is alleged
that they have been buried in caves by his generals and
their heirs and have recently been unearthed. They are now
being fraudulently offered at a fraction of their face
value. These securities are not genuine and do not bear
provisions that even remotely resemble U.S. Treasury
securities. Click to view,
Fraudulent "Federal Notes" or "Bonds"
These bogus securities are commonly known as "Morganthaus."
Henry Morganthau, Jr. was Secretary of the Treasury in 1934.
These "federal notes" are not currency, nor are they bearer
bonds. They are crude forgeries that appear to have
originated out of the Philippines. The story being told is
that the United States shipped them to Philippine freedom
fighters during World War II to help with the war effort.
Some "investors" have brought them to us in so-called
"Federal Reserve" metal boxes, along with other related
certificates, such as:
- Global Immunity (file size 277K, JPG
file uploaded 12/12/02),
- FDIC Insurance (file size 261K, JPG file uploaded
- Gold Bullion (file size 325K, JPG file uploaded 12/12/02),
- Shipping manifests,
- "Gold" coins.
These crude forgeries were likely made by inserting
images of $100, $1,000, and even $1 bills into a computer
program, then altering the amounts to read $100 million or
$500 million, and adding coupons in both English and Chinese
script. Most were printed on modern color printers or
copiers, which did not exist in 1934 - when these bogus
notes are alleged to have been issued. The U. S. Treasury
did not issue securities (bonds) in $100 million or $500
million denominations during the period alleged in this
The largest Federal Reserve note ever printed was $100,000
and was only used inside the banking system. For more
information on this currency item, please review the FAQ at
"Defacto" Treasury Securities
This term usually appears in offers to assign, rent, or
lease U.S. Treasury securities to an offeree for a fee, for
a certain time period. These securities are bogus, since we
have never issued any "defacto" Treasury securities.
Philippine Victory Notes
We have received inquiries about Philippine Treasury
Certificates of Deposit and their relationship to Philippine
Victory Notes. The Philippine Government issued Philippine
Treasury Certificates, Victory Series 66, commonly known as
Philippine Victory Notes, in 1944. These currency notes were
for use only in the Philippines, which at the time was a
dependency of the United States, and were obligations of the
Philippine Treasury. The 500 Peso Philippine Victory Notes
were demonetized by the Philippine government on December
31, 1957, and were withdrawn from circulation. At that
point, other denominations of the Philippine Victory Notes,
Victory Series 66, were no longer regarded as legal tender
but could be exchanged or replaced at par, without charge,
for legal currency until July 30, 1967. After that date,
Series 66 was considered demonetized. If these notes are
presented to you and purported to have current value today,
it is a scam.
(Source: Treasury Direct)

Example Cases
Dale L. Graybill, dba Waldorf
Corporation (New Haven):
Dale L. Graybill, former owner of the Waldorf Corporation,
induced people to invest in his trading programs and
promised investment returns of up to 25 percent per month at
little or no risk. Graybill falsely represented to investors
that he had special access to exclusive, government-backed
trading programs that were originally opened only to the
very wealthy, but which he could make available to them.
When new investor money was received, Graybill diverted the
new investor funds in order to pay previous investors and
for his own personal gain. In conjunction with numerous
other individuals, Graybill defrauded approximately 480
investors. On June 15, 2005, Graybill pled guilty to mail
fraud and making and subscribing a false 2002 tax return.
Graybill was sentenced to 48 months' incarceration and
ordered to pay $10.6 million in restitution.
Bayou Management (New York):
Bayou was a Connecticut-based hedge fund founded in 1996 by
James G. Marquez and Samuel Israel, III which, at its
height, claimed assets under management in excess of $450
million. Marquez, Israel, and former Bayou Chief Financial
Officer Daniel E. Marino had been providing investors with
false earnings and fraudulent financial statements from
almost the fund's inception; resulting in client losses in
excess of $400 million. On July 27, 2005, investors were
informed of Bayou's closure and the disbursement of investor
funds which, in fact, never occurred. On September 29, 2005,
Marino pled guilty to conspiracy, mail, wire, and investment
advisor fraud and was sentenced on January 29, 2008, to 20
years' incarceration. On December 14, 2006, Marquez pled
guilty to conspiracy and investment advisor fraud and was
sentenced on January 22, 2008, to 51 months' incarceration
and $6.26 million in restitution. On April 14, 2008, Israel
pled guilty to conspiracy, mail fraud, and investment
advisor fraud as well as a criminal forfeiture allegation
seeking the forfeiture of $450 million. On April 14, 2008,
Israel was sentenced to 20 years in federal prison and
ordered to pay $300 million in restitution.
Gary L. McNaughton, dba The Haven
Equity Company (Cleveland):
From 1999 to 2003, Gary L. McNaughton, doing business as The
Haven Equity Company (Haven Equity), defrauded over 200
investors in the United States and abroad via a Ponzi scheme
where he claimed to be selling investors securities and
investments in the form of promissory notes and demand
notes. McNaughton informed the investors that their funds
would be invested with an individual in Canada who used a
unique trading strategy to generate returns. McNaughton
promised investors returns that ranged from 15 percent to 35
percent with no risk on their investments. The U.S. victims
were defrauded of approximately $17 million. McNaughton
engaged in an affinity fraud, whereby he preyed on a group
of investors—church members—by taking advantage of their
trust and faith in bringing the new investments to Haven
Equity. Some investors did not receive a monthly interest
check, but instead rolled their interest back into their
investments. McNaughton provided the investors with
promissory notes and demand notes that denoted the amount
invested and the interest payment the investor would
receive. McNaughton operated a Ponzi scheme using new
investor funds to pay previous investors their guaranteed
monthly returns, as well as pay his personal expenses.
McNaughton was indicted on November 14, 2006, on securities
fraud, mail fraud, and money laundering charges. McNaughton
pled guilty and was sentenced to 63 months in prison.

Mortgage Fraud
Mortgage fraud is a growing problem throughout the U.S.
People who want their home's equity to be greater than the
mortgage loan on the home, and with housing booms going on
throughout the U.S., there are people who try to capitalize
on the situation, and make an easy profit.
Types of Mortgage Fraud
Fraud for property involves a borrower
lying about income or assets in order to qualify for a loan
to buy a home in which he plans to live, but which he might
resell at a profit if his income does not increase to enable
him to keep making his payments. The most common activities
involving fraud for property include the following:
Income Fraud
The loan applicant overstates his or her income to qualify
for a mortgage or for a larger loan amount.
Employment Fraud
The loan applicant reports fictitious employment or other
sources including position and length of the employment as a
verification of his fictitious or overstated income.
Concealment of Liabilities
The loan applicant fails to disclose all of his or her
obligations such as mortgage loans on other properties or
newly acquired credit card debts in order to lower debt to
income ratio, which is a key determinant of loan application
Identity Theft
A fictitious/stolen identity may be used on the loan
application. The applicant may be involved in an identity
theft scheme: the applicant's name, personal identifying
information, and credit history are used without the true
person's knowledge.
Appraisal Fraud
The applicant or a loan originator is capable of arranging
with an appraiser to overstate appraisal value in order to
generate cash proceeds or make up for no down payment. The
value can be understated to reduce the price of foreclosed
home or to induce a lender to decrease the amount mortgage
owed during mortgage modification.
Silent Second
The loan applicant can provide down payment or closing costs
with undisclosed second mortgage to primary lender. In this
case, the primary lender believes that the down payments or
closing costs are paid by applicant’s own money, when in
fact, it is borrowed.
Altering the Applicant’s Credit History
Cash-back Scheme (Undisclosed
The applicant can receive cash back that is not disclosed to
the lender by presenting fictitious or inflated sales price
to a lender so that the lender grants excess of the actual
purchase price.
Fraud for profit may involve a number of
persons such as sellers, loan originators, real estate
brokers, appraisers, builders and developers, who conspire
to inflate property values and therefore loan amounts. Fraud
for profit can tame many forms, including the following:
Occupancy Fraud
The loan applicant presents an investment property as
primary residence in order to obtain more favorable terms or
lower interest rates than was warranted.
Sales of property that is made salable on by Concealing
Undesirable Traits
(e.g., environmental contamination, building restrictions,
easements, etc)
Straw buyers/Nominee Loans
A nominee allows the borrowers to use the nominee’s name and
credit history to apply for a loan, and the identity of the
borrower is concealed.
Air Loans
It’s a loan that is secured by non existing property (air),
leaving the lender without collateral. The schemer invents
borrowers and properties, establishes fraudulent account for
payments and maintains custodial accounts for escrows. The
schemer may even set up an office with a bank of telephones,
each phone representing employer, appraiser, credit agency,
etc., for verification purposes.
Foreclosure Schemes
The perpetrator identifies homeowners who are at risk of
defaulting on loans, or whose houses are already in
foreclosure. Perpetrators mislead the homeowners into
believing they can save their homes in exchange for a
transfer of the deed and up-front fees. The perpetrator
profits from these schemes by remortgaging the property or
pocketing fees paid by the homeowner. The three most used
foreclosure schemes are identified as: phantom help;
bust-out; and the bait and switch.

Significant Cases
Cornelius Robinson (San Antonio): Cornelius
Robinson, a former Austin, Texas resident who was convicted
at trial for masterminding a multi-million dollar mortgage
fraud scheme, was sentenced August 29, 2008, by the U.S.
District Court for the Western District of Texas, to 327
months in federal prison and ordered to pay $918,971 in
restitution. In addition to Robinson, the overall conspiracy
involved 16 named co-defendants who either pled guilty or
were convicted at trial; at least 33 properties; 19
financial institutions; and over $4.5 million in claimed
losses. Most of the named co-defendants were unqualified
"straw buyers" who were involved in purchasing and selling
the properties, as well as several licensed real estate
agents, a licensed attorney, and a personal banker. From
September 1999 to 2008, Robinson and his co-defendants
participated in a scheme to defraud mortgage lenders,
including federally-insured financial institutions, by using
real estate "flips" on real estate located in the Austin and
San Antonio, Texas area. The defendants purchased property
at one price and would immediately sell or "flip" the
property to a "straw buyer" at a higher price. In doing so,
the mortgage lenders were deceived as to the true nature of
the transaction and the financial status of the straw buyers
because of false statements and verifications provided to
them. The straw buyers did not make the subsequent monthly
mortgage payments, and all of the properties went into
foreclosure proceedings.
Jacob Kim (Newark): On December 3, 2008,
Jacob Kim, of Palisades Park, New Jersey, was sentenced to
12 years in prison for orchestrating a bank fraud scheme
involving millions of dollars of fraudulent home equity and
business lines of credit. Kim had pled guilty on July 28,
2008, was also ordered to make restitution in the amount of
$10,485,114, which represented the losses incurred by the
financial institutions.
Kim, who was the president of American Macro Growth
(AMG), was indicted in June, 2007, along with four AMG
employees and eight AMG clients. At his plea hearing, Kim
admitted he engaged in a conspiracy with AMG employees and
clients to fraudulently obtain millions of dollars in home
equity and business lines of credit from at least 16
different lenders in northern New Jersey between February
2004, and November 2005. Kim also admitted receiving $59,519
in commission payments from one AMG client for assisting the
client in obtaining lines of credit from 10 different banks,
which totaled approximately $1.35 million, by using the same
property as collateral for each of the loans. The scheme
relied on the closing of multiple home equity lines of
credit or Home Equity Lines of Credit (HELOCs), in a short
period of time so that the earlier lenders' security
interests would not be publicly recorded at the time, when
later lenders closed on subsequent loans. Kim used falsified
income tax returns and submitted those returns on behalf of
his clients, as well as instructing his employees in the
means and methods of perpetrating the scheme. Sixteen other
individuals, comprised of four former AMG employees, 11
former AMG clients, and Jacob Kim's wife, have either been
sentenced or are scheduled to be sentenced for their part in
the scheme.
Michael Guy Carey (Dallas): On June 3,
2008, Michael Guy Cary of Hollywood, Florida, pled guilty in
connection with his role in an extensive mortgage fraud
scheme. Between August, 2004, and May, 2006, Cary purchased
and sold 211 homes in the Eastern District of Texas using a
variety of fraudulent transactions. Cary purchased the homes
directly from home builders after which he arranged the
transfers of the deeds into names deceptively similar to
that of the home builders. Once the transfers had been
completed, Cary had real estate appraisers artificially
inflate the values of the homes and arranged their
subsequent sale to out-of-state investors, who believed they
were purchasing the homes directly from the home builders,
and who qualified for mortgage loans on these inflated
amounts based on fraudulent loan applications. Richard
Kirkpatrick of Fort Worth, Texas, also pled guilty on June
3, 2008 to providing the inflated appraisals on 89 of the
211 homes.
On November 24, 2008, Cary was sentenced to 60 months in
federal prison and ordered to forfeit approximately $6.1
million. Kirkpatrick was sentenced the same day to 31 months
and agreed to forfeit his appraiser's license.

For more examples of fraud:
Tips to Protect Yourself
- Get referrals for real estate and mortgage
professionals. Check the licenses of the industry
professionals with state, county, or city regulatory
- If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. An
outrageous promise of extraordinary profit in a short
period of time signals a problem.
- Be wary of strangers and unsolicited contacts, as
well as high-pressure sales techniques.
- Look at written information to include recent
comparable sales in the area, and other documents such
as tax assessments to verify the value of the property.
- Understand what you are signing and agreeing to, Do
not sign any blank forms. If you do not understand,
re-read the documents, or seek assistance from an
attorney or third party.
- Make sure the name on your application matches the
name on your identification.
- Review the title history of the home you are
anticipating to purchase, to determine if the property
has been sold multiple times within a short period. It
could mean that this property has been "flipped," and
the value falsely inflated.
- Know and understand the terms of your mortgage.
Check your personal information against the information
as listed on the loan documents to ensure it is accurate
and complete.
- Never sign any loan documents that contain "blanks."
This leaves you vulnerable to fraud.
- Check out the tips on the Mortgage Bankers
Association's website at Stop Mortgage Fraud for
additional advice on avoiding mortgage fraud.
For more Information
• Check out 2008 Mortgage Fraud Report “Year in Review” from
Federal Bureau of Investigation for additional information

(non-health insurance)
When people buy, use, sell, or underwrite insurance,
Insurance fraud occurs as a deliberate deception committed
against or by an insurance company, insurance agent, or
consumer for the purpose of unjustified financial gain.
Nationwide, insurance industry collects massive premiums
over $1 trillion in year, and the massive size of industry
contributes the cost of insurance fraud by providing more
opportunities and bigger incentives for committing illegal
Cost of Fraud
The total cost of insurance fraud (non-health insurance) is
estimated to be more than $40 billion per year. That means
Insurance fraud costs the average U.S. family between $400
and $700 per year in the form of increased premiums.
(Source: FBI Financial Fraud Report
Types of Insurance Fraud
Intrinsic Fraud
Premium Diversion/ Unauthorized
Premium Diversion, the most common type of insurance fraud,
involves insurance agents and brokers diverting policyholder
premiums for their own benefit. Usually, insurance agents or
brokers fail to send premiums to the underwriter and keep
the premium payments for personal use. Additionally, the
numbers of unauthorized insurance companies which collect
premiums and not reimburse the claims are exponentially
Fee Churning
In fee churning, a series of intermediaries take commissions
through reinsurance agreements. The initial premium of
policyholders is reduced by commissions by reinsurance
activities until theirs is no balance left. Usually, the
companies left to pay claims are often ghost or non existing
companies, which can’t pay for the policyholders’ claims.
This fraud is tough to recognize since each transaction
looks legitimate while it is a fraud in cumulative term.
Asset Diversion
This fraud occurs during merging or acquisition the existing
insurance companies. It often involves acquiring control of
insurance company with borrowed funds. After purchase, the
subject uses the assets of the acquired company to pay off
the debt, while the remaining assets can then be diverted to
the subject.
Workers’ Compensation Fraud
Small business owners have an incentive to shop workers
compensation insurance, and this has led some entities which
purport to provide workers’ compensation insurance at
reduced premium cost, and misappropriate funds without even
providing insurance to workers. This fraud scheme led
injured and deceased workers without compensation coverage
to pay their medical bills.
Property Insurance Fraud
Sometime people destroy or burn buildings, cars or other
properties intentionally when those properties are worth
less than the payments or tough to sell in order to collect
insurance payments. Beside insurance fraud, it is a criminal
which carries additional penalties including fine and jail.
Automobile Insurance Fraud -
False Vehicle Registration
Some people illegally register their vehicles in the area
where the insurance companies provide cheaper auto insurance
rate, which leads discount on their insurance premiums. It’s
a crime and could also lead insurance companies denying a
claim in the event of accident.
Automobile Insurance Fraud - Crash for Cash
It’s an orchestrated crash that perpetrators leads random
unaware strangers to crash the perpetrators using techniques
such as ‘rear-end shunt’, which the driver in front suddenly
slams on the brakes with disabled rear brakes, and ‘decoy
rear- end shunt’, when the perpetrator prepares two cars,
the car in front cause the second car to brake sharply so
that random driver will crash into second car, then first
car drives off.
The perpetrators file a claim on random driver’s insurance
for overstated reimbursement often including falsified
medical expenses and automobile fix expense.
Automobile Insurance Fraud - Staged Accident
Staged Accident involves lawyers, doctors, and “runner” who
stage car accidents. When a runner crash into the accident,
the sophisticated team file a claim to insurance company for

Life Insurance Fraud
Viatical Settlement Fraud
Viatical settlement fraud occurs when misrepresentations of
viatical companies’ information including expectancies of
insured parties and guaranteed high rate of return to allure
investors to deposit investment funds at viatical companies.
Significant Cases
Hurricane Katrina Related Fraud (Sacramento):
In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, The American Red Cross
established a national call center in Bakersfield,
California to process and disburse relief funds to victims
of the disaster. After the Red Cross noticed a
disproportionate amount of disbursements in the immediate
Bakersfield area when compared to the rest of the state, an
investigation was launched. It is estimated that $500,000
was lost due to fraud conducted by workers at the call
center. As of December 1, 2006, a total of 73 individuals
have been indicted in the case, including 24 Red Cross
contract employees, 61 subjects who have pled guilty to
various felony charges, including charges of wire fraud and
false statements and 25 subjects have been sentenced. A
Hurricane Katrina Fraud Task Force, consisting of FBI, DOJ,
U.S. Attorneys' Offices, Office of Inspector General, U.S.
Secret Service, the Federal Trade Commission, the Securities
and Exchange Commission and various state and local law
enforcement agencies has been initiated to address frauds
relating to the Hurricane. (Source: FBI)

Mutual Benefits Corporation MBC)(MIAMI):
Mutual Benefits Corporation (MBC) was a viatical settlement
company offering interests in insurance policies to
investors worldwide. Over 28,000 investors worldwide were
defrauded of approximately $956 million by the principals of
MBC, who misrepresented the investment and failed to
disclose prior regulatory actions. Additionally, MBC
falsified the life expectancies of the insured and paid
kickbacks to physicians for signing fraudulent documents
that were provided to investors. In October 2006, Peter
Lombardi, former MBC President, pled guilty to Securities
Fraud. As a part of his plea agreement, Lombardi has agreed
to be responsible for $956 million in restitution to the
victim investors in this fraud. The SEC and IRS assisted in
this investigation.
Source: FBI
For more Information:
Check out Federal Bureau of Investigation’s financial
crime report to further explore more about insurance fraud.

Health Care Fraud
Healthcare fraud involves individuals or corporations to
collect health care reimbursement under false pretenses.
Fraud on Medicare and Medicaid programs frauds are the most
visible instances.
Cost of Health Care fraud
In 2007, $2.26 trillion was spent on health care, and 3% of
all health care spending—or $68 billion—is lost to health
care fraud, as estimated by The National Health Care
Anti-Fraud Association (NHCAA).
Type of Health Care Fraud
Phantom Billing
Billing for services that were never rendered—either by
using genuine patient information, sometimes obtained
through identity theft, to fabricate entire claims or by
padding claims with charges for procedures or services that
did not take place.
Billing for more expensive services or procedures than were
actually provided or performed—i.e., falsely billing for a
higher-priced treatment than was actually provided (which
often requires the accompanying "inflation" of the patient's
diagnosis code to a more serious condition consistent with
the false procedure code).
Fraudulent Billing
Performing medically unnecessary services solely for the
purpose of generating insurance payments—seen very often in
nerve-conduction and other diagnostic-testing schemes.
Misrepresenting non-covered treatments as medically
necessary covered treatments for purposes of obtaining
insurance payments—widely seen in cosmetic-surgery schemes,
in which non-covered cosmetic procedures such as "nose jobs”
are billed to patients' insurers as deviated-septum repairs.
Billing a patient more than the co-pay amount for services
that were prepaid or paid in full by the benefit plan under
the terms of a managed care contract.
Falsifying a patient’s diagnosis to justify tests, surgeries
or other procedures that aren’t medically necessary.
Billing each step of a procedure as if it were a separate
Kickback or waiting deductibles
Accepting kickbacks for patient referrals.
Waiving patient co-pays or deductibles and over-billing the
insurance carrier or benefit plan
(Source: NCHAA)

FBI: Largest Health Care Fraud Settlement in Its History:
Pfizer to Pay $2.3 Billion for Fraudulent Marketing
Columbia/HCA fraud case:
Officials in Miami reported breaking a Medicare fraud ring
that they say spanned five states, used 29 fake storefronts
and tried to steal $100 million from Medicare and Medicare
How to Prevent Health Care Fraud
- Protect your health
insurance ID card like you would a credit card. In
the wrong hands, a health insurance card is a license to
steal. Don’t give out policy numbers to door-to-door
salespeople, telephone solicitors or over the Internet. Be
careful about disclosing your insurance information and if
you lose your insurance ID card, report it to your insurance
company immediately.
- Report fraud. Call your
insurance company immediately if you suspect you may be a
victim of health insurance fraud. Many insurers now offer
the opportunity to report suspected fraud online through
their Website.
- Be informed. Be informed about
the health care services you receive, keep good records of
your medical care, and closely review all medical bills you
- Read your policy and benefits
statements. Read your policy, Explanation of Benefits
(EOB) statements and any paperwork you receive from your
insurance company. Make sure you actually received the
treatments for which your insurance was charged, and
question suspicious expenses. Are the dates of service
documented on the forms correct? Were the services
identified and billed for actually performed?
- Beware of “free” offers. Is it
too good to be true? Offers of free health care services,
tests or treatments are often fraud schemes designed to bill
you and your insurance company illegally for thousands of
dollars of treatments you never received.
For more information about Medicare protection:

Welfare Fraud
Welfare Fraud is defined as diversified intentional misuse
of state welfare system by concealing certain information or
providing fraudulent or false information to claim welfare
benefit. Welfare fraud range from failure to reporting
additional income, failure to disclose information about
household family members, claiming imaginary dependents, to
providing wrong information about the ‘inability’ to work.
Some people even misrepresent their condition as ill or
injured to claim welfare benefits.
Example of Welfare Fraud
- The executive director of the Illinois
Legislative Advisory Committee on Public Aid in 1977 claimed
that Linda Taylor of Chicago used 14 aliases to obtain
$150,000 for medical assistance, cash assistance and bonus
cash food stamps. He claimed that she went from district to
district with many disguises, using more than 100
aliases. She is believed to form the basis of Ronald
Reagan's "welfare queen".
- Dorothy Woods, who claimed 38 non-existent children.
- Esther Johnson, who was sentenced to four years in state
prison when accused of "collecting $240,000 for more than 60
fictitious children".
- Arlens Otis was indicted in Cook County, Illinois for "613
counts of illegally receiving $150,839 in welfare funds
between July 1972 and February 1978."
- Un-named woman (60) of the Roma people illegally received
in excess of $1,400,000 by deceiving the Norwegian welfare
authority for 23 years. Techniques used were some 17
fictitious grandchildren, and claiming son was autistic
(nursing him through the age of 13 in meetings with welfare
workers). Court case pending (Oct 2009).
1. Associated Press, Mar. 8, 1977, AM
cycle, Chicago (available on LEXIS)
2. "Woman's Aid Claims for 38 children Are Examined". New
York Times, Special. 1980-12-21. pp. 31.
3. Associated Press, June 13, 1979, AM cycle, Compton, CA
(available on LEXIS)
4. Associated Press, May 8, 1978, AM cycle, Chicago
(available on LEXIS)

Charity Fraud
Charity Fraud involves schemers who solicit donations in the
name of non-existing or fraudulent charities. Charity
schemes often occur during the holidays or in the aftermath
of disaster, when philanthropy is most common. Furthermore,
Charity Fraud not only includes fictitious charities but
also fraudulent business acts including improper use or
stealing the donation funds raised in the name of charity.
How to avoid Charity Fraud
Research the organization
When approached by an organization you are unaware of or not
familiar with, do some background research before you make
donation. You can contact Better Business Bureau, Wise
Giving Alliance, which provides information on charities
that have been the subject of donor inquiries and also
offers tips about charitable giving.
Better Business Bureau, Wise Giving Alliance
(703) 276-0100
Ask for documentation
If you are not familiar with the charitable organization,
request documents such as annual reports and financial
statements to prove the existence of the organization.
Make Payment to the Organization
Always make your checks payable to the organization to
prevent your donation being funded to individual.

Telemarketing Fraud
Telemarketing schemers conduct fraudulent sales over the
phone, especially targeting the poor and elderly.
Common types of Telemarketing Fraud
Advanced Fee Fraud
Pyramid Scheme
Charity Fraud
Overpayment Fraud
Victims are overpaid for an online auctions or classified
advertising with a counterfeit check or money order, and
asked to wire back some of the excess.
Ponzi scheme
Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation that pays
returns to separate investors from their own money or money
paid by subsequent investors, rather than from any actual
profit earned. It allures the new investors by offering
returns that are either abnormally high or unusually
The largest Ponzi Scheme: Bernard
Madoff Invest Securities
Introduction: $65 Billion of
liabilities due to Scheme
Madoff conducted the largest Ponzi scheme in history
through the fraudulent investment adviser activities of
Bernard Madoff Investment Securities LLC for the last two
decades resulted in approximately$65 billion of liabilities
including the amounts missing from the client accounts and
fabricated gains.
Madoff’s Investment advisory
Madoff promised its clients and future clients to invest
in a basket of Standard and Poor’s 100 Index, a collection
of the 100 largest publicly traded companies in terms of
their market capitalization and offered modest but steady
returns of 10% per year to his clients. He advertised the
investment method as ‘too complicated to understand for
outsiders’ and kept the financial statements guarded.
Considered as ‘exclusive fund’ backed up with his extensive
background as former chairman of NASDAQ, Madoff fund was
raised huge amounts of money from diversified clients
including Banks, Corporations, and Individuals. When stock
market plunged due to Lehman Brother’s bankruptcy in 2008,
his investors wanted to redeem their investment, and he
faced difficulty to raise $ 7 billion of redemption and
confessed to his senior partners on December 2008. That was
the end of Madoff’s Ponzi scheme.
Result: 150 years in jail with
restitution of $170 billion
He confessed on Dec, 2008, and he was sentenced to 150
years in prison with restitution of $170 billion on June 29,
For more information, check out SEC litigation release
against Bernard Madoff

Pyramid Schemes
In original “pyramid” scheme, participants solicit money
solely by recruiting new participants into the program with
a promise of sky rocking high rate of return on investment
in a short term of period. The schemers can depict the
program as legitimate multi level marketing program by
creating great length. However, schemers just use collected
fund from new recruits to pay off existing investor despite
their claims to have legitimate products or services.
Nonetheless, the pyramid will collapse since promoters
cannot raise enough funds to pay existing investors at some
point when the schemes get too big. As a result, the
investors will lose their money.
For more Information related to pyramid scheme, please
check please visit the Federal Trade Commission’s website
and read their brochures entitled, Profits in Pyramid
Schemes? Don’t Bank on It!.
Cramming is the practice of placing unauthorized,
misleading, or deceptive charges on your telephone bill.
Crammers rely on confusing telephone bills in an attempt to
trick consumers into paying for services they did not
authorize or receive, or that cost more than the consumer
was led to believe.
Cramming Charges: What They Look Like
- Charges for services that are explained on your
telephone bill in general terms such as “service fee,”
“service charge,” “other fees,” “voicemail,” “mail
server,”“calling plan,” “psychic,” and “membership;”
- Charges that are added to your telephone bill every
month without a clear explanation
of the services provided – such as a “monthly fee” or
“minimum monthly usage fee;”
- Charges for an authorized service, but you were
misled about its actual cost.
(Source; Federal Communications Commission)

New E-Scams & Warnings
To report potential e-scams, please go the
Internet Crime Complaint Center and file a report.
Note: the FBI does not send mass e-mails to private citizens
about cyber scams, so if you received an e-mail that claims
to be from the FBI Director or other top official, it is
most likely a scam.
If you receive unsolicited e-mail offers or spam, you can
forward the messages to the Federal Trade Commission at
Below are some recent scams and warnings.
U.S. Law Firms Continue to be the Target of
Counterfeit Check Scheme
03/12/12—The Internet Crime Complaint
Center (IC3) continues to receive reports of counterfeit
check schemes targeting U.S. law firms. The scammers
contact lawyers via e-mail, claiming to be overseas and
requesting legal representation in collecting a debt
from third parties located in the U.S. The law firms
receive a retainer agreement and a check payable to the
law firm. The firms are instructed to deposit the check,
take out retainer fees, and wire the remaining funds to
banks in China, Korea, Ireland, or Canada. After the
funds are wired overseas, the checks are determined to
be counterfeit.
In a slight variation of the scheme’s execution, the
victim law firm receives an e-mail from what appears to
be an attorney located in another state requesting
assistance for a client. The client needs aid in
collecting a debt from a company located in the victim
law firm’s state. In some cases, the name of the
referring attorney and the debtor company used in the
e-mail were verified as legitimate entities and were
being used as part of the scheme. The law firm receives
a signed retainer agreement and a check made payable to
the law firm from the alleged debtor. The client
instructs the law firm to deposit the check and to wire
the funds, minus all fees, to an overseas bank account.
The law firm discovers after the funds are wired that
the check is counterfeit.
Law firms should use caution when engaging in
transactions with parties who are handling their
business solely via e-mail, particularly those parties
claiming to reside overseas. Attorneys who agree to
represent a client in circumstances similar to those
described above should consider incorporating a
provision into their retainer agreement that allows the
attorney to hold funds received from a debtor for a
sufficient period of time to verify the validity of the
If you have been a victim of an internet scam or have
received an e-mail that you believe was an attempted
scam, please file a complaint at

New Variation on Telephone Collection Scam Related to
Delinquent Payday Loans
02/21/12—The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3)
continues to receive complaints from victims of payday loan
telephone collection scams. As previously reported in
December 2010, the typical payday loan scam involves a
caller who claims the victim is delinquent on a payday loan
and must make payment to avoid legal consequences.
Callers pose as representatives of the FBI, “Federal
Legislative Department,” various law firms, or other
legitimate-sounding agencies and claim to be collecting
debts for companies such as United Cash Advance, U.S. Cash
Advance, U.S. Cash Net, or other Internet check-cashing
services. The fraudsters relentlessly call the victim’s
home, cell phone, and place of employment in attempts to
obtain payment. The callers refuse to provide information
regarding the alleged payday loan or any documentation and
become verbally abusive when questioned.
The IC3 has observed variations of this scam in which the
caller tells the victim that there are outstanding warrants
for the victim’s arrest. The caller claims that the basis of
the warrants is non-payment of the underlying loan and/or
hacking. If it’s the latter, the caller tells the victim
that he or she is wanted for hacking into a business’
computer system to steal customer information. The caller
will then demand payment via debit/credit card; in other
cases, the caller further instructs victims to obtain a
prepaid card to cover the payment.
The high-pressure collection tactics used by the
fraudsters have also evolved. In one recent complaint, a
person posed as a process server and appeared at the
victim’s job. In another instance, a phony process server
came to a victim’s home. In both cases, after claiming to be
serving a court summons, the alleged process server said the
victim could avoid going to court if he or she provided a
debit card number for repayment of the loan.
If you are contacted by someone who is trying to collect
a debt that you do not owe, you should:
- Contact your local law enforcement agencies if you
feel you are in immediate danger;
- Contact your bank(s) and credit card companies;
- Contact the three major credit bureaus and request
an alert be put on your file;
- If you have received a legitimate loan and want to
verify that you do not have any outstanding obligation,
contact the loan company directly;
- File a complaint at

Timeshare Marketing Scams
01/25/12—Timeshare owners across the country are being
scammed out of millions of dollars by unscrupulous companies
that promise to sell or rent the unsuspecting victims’
timeshares. In the typical scam, timeshare owners receive
unexpected or uninvited telephone calls or e-mails from
criminals posing as sales representatives for a timeshare
resale company. The representative promises a quick sale,
often within 60-90 days. The sales representatives often use
high-pressure sales tactics to add a sense of urgency to the
deal. Some victims have reported that sales representatives
pressured them by claiming there was a buyer waiting in the
wings, either on the other line or even present in the
Timeshare owners who agree to sell are told that they
must pay an upfront fee to cover anything from listing and
advertising fees to closing costs. Many victims have
provided credit cards to pay the fees ranging from a few
hundred to a few thousand dollars. Once the fee is paid,
timeshare owners report that the company becomes
evasive—calls go unanswered, numbers are disconnected, and
websites are inaccessible.
In some cases, timeshare owners who have been defrauded
by a timeshare sales scheme have been subsequently contacted
by an unscrupulous timeshare fraud recovery company as well.
The representative from the recovery company promises
assistance in recovering money lost in the sales scam. Some
recovery companies require an up-front fee for services
rendered, while others promise no fees will be paid unless a
refund is obtained for the timeshare owner. The IC3 has
identified some instances where people involved with the
recovery company also have a connection to the resale
company, raising the possibility that timeshare owners are
being scammed twice by the same people.
If you are contacted by someone offering to sell or rent
your timeshare, the IC3 recommends using caution. Listed
below are tips you can use to avoid becoming a victim of a
timeshare scheme:
- Be wary if a company asks you for up-front fees to
sell or rent your timeshare.
- Read the fine print of any sales contract or rental
agreement provided.
- Check with the Better Business Bureau to ensure the
company is reputable.
To obtain more information on Internet schemes, visit
Anyone who believes they have been a victim of this type
of scam should promptly report it to the IC3’s website at
www.IC3.gov. The IC3’s complaint database links complaints
together to refer them to the appropriate law enforcement
agency for case consideration.

Situational Alert Regarding Charitable Contribution
08/26/11—In light of Hurricane Irene, the public is
reminded to beware of fraudulent e-mails and websites
claiming to conduct charitable relief efforts. To learn more
about avoiding online fraud, please see “Tips on Avoiding
Fraudulent Charitable Contribution Schemes” at:

Malicious Software Features Usama bin Laden Links to
Ensnare Unsuspecting Computer Users
The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) urges computer
users to not open unsolicited (spam) e-mails, including
clicking links contained within those messages. Even if the
sender is familiar, the public should exercise due
diligence. Computer owners must ensure they have up-to-date
firewall and anti-virus software running on their machines
to detect and deflect malicious software.
The IC3 recommends the public do the following:
- Adjust the privacy settings on social networking
sites you frequent to make it more difficult for people
you know and do not know to post content to your page.
Even a “friend” can unknowingly pass on multimedia
that’s actually malicious software.
- Do not agree to download software to view videos.
These applications can infect your computer.
- Read e-mails you receive carefully. Fraudulent
messages often feature misspellings, poor grammar, and
nonstandard English.
- Report e-mails you receive that purport to be from
the FBI. Criminals often use the FBI’s name and seal to
add legitimacy to their fraudulent schemes. In fact, the
FBI does not send unsolicited e-mails to the public.
Should you receive unsolicited messages that feature the
FBI’s name, seal, or that reference a division or unit
within the FBI or an individual employee, report it to
the Internet Crime Complaint Center at www.ic3.gov.

E-Mails Containing Malware Sent to Businesses
Concerning Their Online Job Postings
01/19/2011—Recent FBI analysis reveals that cyber
criminals engaging in ACH/wire transfer fraud have targeted
businesses by responding via e-mail to employment
opportunities posted online.
Recently, more than $150,000 was stolen from a U.S.
business via unauthorized wire transfer as a result of an
e-mail the business received that contained malware. The
malware was embedded in an e-mail response to a job posting
the business placed on an employment website and allowed the
attacker to obtain the online banking credentials of the
person who was authorized to conduct financial transactions
within the company. The malicious actor changed the account
settings to allow the sending of wire transfers, one to the
Ukraine and two to domestic accounts. The malware was
identified as a Bredolab variant, svrwsc.exe. This malware
was connected to the ZeuS/Zbot Trojan, which is commonly
used by cyber criminals to defraud U.S. businesses.
The FBI recommends that potential employers remain
vigilant in opening the e-mails of prospective employees.
Running a virus scan prior to opening any e-mail attachments
may provide an added layer of security against this type of
attack. The FBI also recommends that businesses use separate
computer systems to conduct financial transactions.
For more information on this type of fraud and prevention
tips, please refer to previous public service announcements
at the links below:
Anyone who believes they have been a target this type of
attack should immediately contact their financial
institutions and local FBI office and promptly report it to
the IC3’s website at
www.ic3.gov. The IC3’s complaint database links
complaints together to refer them to the appropriate law
enforcement agency for case consideration. The IC3 also uses
complaint information to identify emerging trends and

Telephone Collection Scam Related to Delinquent Payday
12/01/2010—The IC3 receives a high volume of complaints
from victims of payday loan telephone collection scams. In
these scams, a caller claims that the victim is delinquent
in a payday loan and must repay the loan to avoid legal
consequences. The callers purport to be representatives of
the FBI, Federal Legislative Department, various law firms,
or other legitimate-sounding agencies. They claim to be
collecting debts for companies such as United Cash Advance,
U.S. Cash Advance, U.S. Cash Net, and other Internet check
cashing services.
One of the most insidious aspects of this scam is that
the callers have accurate information about the victims,
including Social Security numbers, dates of birth,
addresses, employer information, bank account numbers, and
names and telephone numbers of relatives and friends. The
method by which the fraudsters obtained the personal
information is unclear, but victims often relay that they
had completed online applications for other loans or credit
cards before the calls began.
The fraudsters relentlessly call the victim’s home, cell
phone, and place of employment. They refuse to provide to
the victims any details of the alleged payday loans and
become abusive when questioned. The callers threaten victims
with legal actions, arrests, and in some cases physical
violence if they refuse to pay. In many cases, the callers
even resort to harassment of the victim’s relatives,
friends, and employers.
Some fraudsters instruct victims to fax a statement
agreeing to pay a certain dollar amount, on a specific date,
via prepaid visa card. The statement further declares that
the victim would never dispute the debt.
These telephone calls are an attempt to obtain payment
by instilling fear in the victims. Do not follow the
instructions of the caller.
If you receive telephone calls such as these, you should:
- Contact your banking institutions;
- Contact the three major credit bureaus and request
an alert be put on your file;
- Contact your local law enforcement agencies if you
feel you are in immediate danger;
- File a complaint at

Fraudulent Notification Deceives Consumers Out of
Thousands of Dollars
11/29/2010—The IC3 continues to receive reports of
letters and e-mails being distributed pursuant to prize
sweepstakes or lottery schemes. These schemes use
counterfeit checks that bear legitimate-looking logos of
various financial institutions to fool victims into sending
money to the fraudsters.
Fraudsters tell victims they won a sweepstakes or lottery,
but to receive a lump sum payout, they must pay the taxes
and processing fees upfront. Fraudsters direct individuals
to call a telephone number to initiate a letter of
instructions. The letter alleges that the victim may elect
to take an advance on the winnings to make the required
upfront payment. The letter includes a check in the amount
of the alleged taxes and fees, along with processing
instructions. Ultimately, victims believe they are using the
advance to make the required upfront payment, but in reality
they are falling prey to the scheme.
The victim deposits the check into their own bank, which
credits the account for the amount of the check before the
check clears. The victim immediately withdraws the money and
wires it to the fraudsters. Afterwards, the check proves to
be counterfeit and the bank pulls the respective funds from
the victim’s account, leaving the victim liable for the
amount of the counterfeit check plus any additional fees the
bank may charge.
Persons may fall victim to this scheme due to the allure of
easy money and the apparent legitimacy of the check the
fraudsters include in the letter of instruction. The alleged
cash prizes and locations of the financial institutions
Tips to avoid being scammed:
- A federal statute prohibits mailing lottery tickets,
advertisements, or payments to purchase tickets in a
foreign lottery.
- Be leery if you do not remember entering a lottery
or sweepstakes.
- Beware of lotteries or sweepstakes that charge a fee
prior to delivering your prize.
- Be wary of demands to send additional money as a
requirement to be eligible for future winnings.
If you have been a victim of this type of scam or any other
cyber crime, you can report it to the IC3 at www.IC3.gov.
The IC3 complaint database links complaints for potential
referral to law enforcement for case consideration.
Complaint information is also used to identify emerging
trends and patterns to alert the public to new criminal

Holiday Shopping Tips
11/15/2010—This holiday season, the FBI reminds shoppers
that cyber criminals aggressively create new ways to steal
money and personal information. Scammers use many techniques
to fool potential victims, including conducting fraudulent
auction sales, reshipping merchandise purchased with stolen
credit cards, and selling fraudulent or stolen gift cards
through auction sites at discounted prices.
Fraudulent Classified Ads and Auction Sales
Internet criminals post classified ads and auctions for
products they do not have and make the scam work by using
stolen credit cards. Fraudsters receive an order from a
victim, charge the victim’s credit card for the amount of
the order, then use a separate, stolen credit card for the
actual purchase. They pocket the purchase price obtained
from the victim’s credit card and have the merchant ship the
item directly to the victim. Consequently, an item purchased
from an online auction but received directly from the
merchant is a strong indication of fraud. Victims of such a
scam not only lose the money paid to the fraudster, but may
be liable for receiving stolen goods.
Shoppers may help avoid these scams by using caution and not
providing financial information directly to the seller, as
fraudulent sellers will use this information to purchase
items for their schemes. Always use a legitimate payment
service to ensure a safe, legitimate purchase.
As for product delivery, fraudsters posing as legitimate
delivery services offer reduced or free shipping to
customers through auction sites. They perpetuate this scam
by providing fake shipping labels to the victim. The
fraudsters do not pay for delivery of the packages;
therefore, delivery service providers intercept the packages
for nonpayment and the victim loses the money paid for the
purchase of the product.
Diligently check each seller’s rating and feedback along
with their number of sales and the dates on which feedback
was posted. Be wary of a seller with 100 percent positive
feedback, with a low total number of feedback postings, or
with all feedback posted around the same date and time.
Gift Card Scam
Be careful when purchasing gift cards through auction sites
or classified ads. It is safest to purchase gift cards
directly from the merchant or retail store. If the gift card
merchant discovers that your card is fraudulent, the
merchant will deactivate the gift card and refuse to honor
it for purchases. Victims of this scam lose the money paid
for the gift card purchase.
Phishing and Smishing Schemes
In phishing schemes, a fraudster poses as a legitimate
entity and uses e-mail and scam websites to obtain victims’
personal information, such as account numbers, user names,
passwords, etc. Smishing is the act of sending fraudulent
text messages to bait a victim into revealing personal
Be leery of e-mails or text messages that indicate a problem
or question regarding your financial accounts. In this scam,
fraudsters direct victims to follow a link or call a number
to update an account or correct a purported problem. The
link directs the victim to a fraudulent website or message
that appears legitimate. Instead, the site allows the
fraudster to steal any personal information the victim
Current smishing schemes involve fraudsters calling victims’
cell phones offering to lower the interest rates for credit
cards the victims do not even possess. If a victim asserts
that they do not own the credit card, the caller hangs up.
These fraudsters call from TRAC cell phones that do not have
voicemail, or the phone provides a constant busy signal when
called, rendering these calls virtually untraceable.
Another scam involves fraudsters directing victims, via
e-mail, to a spoofed website. A spoofed website is a fake
site that misleads the victim into providing personal
information, which is routed to the scammer’s computer.
Phishing schemes related to deliveries are also rampant.
Legitimate delivery service providers neither e-mail
shippers regarding scheduled deliveries nor state when a
package is intercepted or being temporarily held.
Consequently, e-mails informing of such delivery issues are
phishing scams that can lead to personal information
breaches and financial losses.

Here are some tips you can use to avoid becoming a victim of
cyber fraud:
- Do not respond to unsolicited (spam) e-mail.
- Do not click on links contained within an
unsolicited e-mail.
- Be cautious of e-mail claiming to contain pictures
in attached files, as the files may contain viruses.
Only open attachments from known senders. Scan the
attachments for viruses if possible.
- Avoid filling out forms contained in e-mail messages
that ask for personal information.
- Always compare the link in the e-mail with the link
to which you are directed and determine if they match
and will lead you to a legitimate site.
- Log directly onto the official website for the
business identified in the e-mail, instead of “linking”
to it from an unsolicited e-mail. If the e-mail appears
to be from your bank, credit card issuer, or other
company you deal with frequently, your statements or
official correspondence from the business will provide
the proper contact information.
- Contact the actual business that supposedly sent the
e-mail to verify if the e-mail is genuine.
- If you are asked to act quickly, or there is an
emergency, it may be a scam. Fraudsters create a sense
of urgency to get you to act quickly.
- Verify any requests for personal information from
any business or financial institution by contacting them
using the main contact information.
- Remember if it looks too good to be true, it
probably is.
To receive the latest information about cyber scams, sign up
for e-mail alerts on this website. If you have received a
scam e-mail, please notify the IC3 by filing a complaint at

Involvement in Criminal Activity Through
Work-From-Home Scams
10/20/10—Consumers continue to lose money from
work-from-home scams that assist cyber criminals move stolen
funds. Worse yet, due to their deliberate or unknowing
participation in the scams, these individuals may face
criminal charges. Work-from-home scam victims are often
recruited by organized cyber criminals through newspaper
ads, online employment services, unsolicited emails or
“spam” ,one and social networking sites advertising
work-from-home opportunities. Once recruited, however,
rather than becoming an employee of a legitimate business,
the consumer is actually a “mule” for cyber criminals who
use the consumer’s or other victim’s accounts to steal and
launder money. In addition, the consumer’s own identity or
account may be compromised by the cyber criminals.

Cyber Criminals Take Over Corporate Accounts
10/20/10—Cyber criminals are targeting the financial
accounts of owners and employees of small and medium sized
businesses, resulting in significant business disruption and
substantial monetary losses due to fraudulent transfers from
these accounts. Often these funds may not be recovered.

Claims of Being Stranded Swindle Consumers Out of Thousands
of Dollars
07/01/10—The IC3 continues to receive reports of
individuals’ e-mail or social networking accounts being
compromised and used in a social engineering scam to swindle
consumers out of thousands of dollars. Portraying to be the
victim, the hacker uses the victim’s account to send a
notice to their contacts. The notice claims the victim is in
immediate need of money due to being robbed of their credit
cards, passport, money, and cell phone; leaving them
stranded in London or some other location. Some claim they
only have a few days to pay their hotel bill and promise to
reimburse upon their return home. A sense of urgency to help
their friend/contact may cause the recipient to fail to
validate the claim, increasing the likelihood of them
falling for this scam.
If you receive a similar notice and are not sure it is a
scam, you should always verify the information before
sending any money.
If you have been a victim of this type of scam or any
other Cyber crime, you can report it to the IC3 website at
www.IC3.gov. The IC3 complaint database links complaints for
potential referral to the appropriate law enforcement agency
for case consideration. Complaint information is also used
to identity emerging trends and patterns.

Fraudulent Telephone Calls Allow Fraudsters Access to
Consumer Financial and Brokerage Accounts
06/21/10—The FBI Newark Division released a warning to
consumers concerning a new scheme using telecommunications
denial-of-service (TDoS) attacks.
The FBI determined fraudsters compromised victim accounts
and contacted financial institutions to change the victim
profile information (i.e., e-mail addresses, telephone
numbers, and bank account numbers).
The TDoS attacks used automated dialing programs and
multiple accounts to overwhelm victims’ cell phones and land
lines with thousands of calls. When victims answered the
calls they heard dead air (nothing on the other end), an
innocuous recorded message, advertisement, or a telephone
sex menu. Calls were typically short in duration but so
numerous that victims changed their phone numbers to
terminate the attack.
These TDoS attacks were used as a diversion to prevent
financial and brokerage institutions from verifying victim
account changes and transactions. Fraudsters were afforded
adequate time to transfer funds from victim brokerage and
financial online accounts.
Protection from TDoS attacks and other types of fraud
requires consumers to be vigilant and proactive. In Newark’s
Public Service Announcement (PSA), they recommend the
following guidelines for consumers to protect themselves:
- Implement security measures for all financial
accounts by placing fraud alerts with the major credit
bureaus if you believe they were targeted by a TDoS
attack or other forms of fraud.
- Use strong passwords for all financial accounts and
change them regularly.
- Obtain and review your annual credit report for
fraudulent activity.
If you were a target of a TDoS attack, immediately
contact your financial institutions, notify your telephone
provider, and promptly report it to the IC3 website at
www.ic3.gov. The IC3 complaint database links complaints to
assist in referrals to the appropriate law enforcement
agency for case consideration. The complaint information is
also used to identity emerging trends and patterns.
The Latest Phone Scam: Targets Your Bank Account
FBI Newark Public Service Announcement

Rental and Real Estate Scams
03/12/10—Individuals need to be cautious when posting
rental properties and real estate on-line. The IC3 continues
to receive numerous complaints from individuals who have
fallen victim to scams involving rentals of apartments and
houses, as well as postings of real estate online.
Rental scams occur when the victim has rental property
advertised and is contacted by an interested party. Once the
rental price is agreed-upon, the scammer forwards a check
for the deposit on the rental property to the victim. The
check is to cover housing expenses and is, either written in
excess of the amount required, with the scammer asking for
the remainder to be remitted back, or the check is written
for the correct amount, but the scammer backs out of the
rental agreement and asks for a refund. Since the banks do
not usually place a hold on the funds, the victim has
immediate access to them and believes the check has cleared.
In the end, the check is found to be counterfeit and the
victim is held responsible by the bank for all losses.
Another type of scam involves real estate that is posted
via classified advertisement websites. The scammer
duplicates postings from legitimate real estate websites and
reposts these ads, after altering them. Often, the scammers
use the broker’s real name to create a fake e-mail, which
gives the fraud more legitimacy. When the victim sends an
e-mail through the classified advertisement website
inquiring about the home, they receive a response from
someone claiming to be the owner. The “owner” claims he and
his wife are currently on missionary work in a foreign
country. Therefore, he needs someone to rent their home
while they are away. If the victim is interested in renting
the home, they are asked to send money to the owner in the
foreign country.
If you have been a victim of Internet crime, please file
a complaint at http://www.IC3.gov/.

New Twist on Counterfeit Check Schemes
Targeting U.S. Law Firms
01/21/10—The FBI continues to receive reports of
counterfeit check schemes targeting U.S. law firms. As
previously reported, scammers send e-mails to lawyers,
claiming to be overseas and seeking legal representation to
collect delinquent payments from third parties in the U.S.
The law firm receives a retainer agreement, invoices
reflecting the amount owed, and a check payable to the law
firm. The firm is instructed to extract the retainer fee,
including any other fees associated with the transaction,
and wire the remaining funds to banks in Korea, China,
Ireland, or Canada. By the time the check is determined to
be counterfeit, the funds have already been wired overseas.
In a new twist, the fraudulent client seeking legal
representation is an ex-wife “on assignment” in an Asian
country, and she claims to be pursuing a collection of
divorce settlement monies from her ex-husband in the U.S.
The law firm agrees to represent the ex-wife, sends an
e-mail to the ex-husband, and receives a “certified” check
for the settlement via delivery service. The ex-wife
instructs the firm to wire the funds, less the retainer fee,
to an overseas bank account. When the scam is executed
successfully, the law firm wires the money before
discovering the check is counterfeit.
All Internet users need to be cautious when they receive
unsolicited e-mails. Law firms are advised to conduct as
much due diligence as possible before engaging in
transactions with parties who are handling their business
solely via e-mail, particularly those parties claiming to
reside overseas.
Please view an
public service announcement posted to the IC3 website regarding a similar Asian extortion scheme.
Individuals who receive information pertaining to
counterfeit check schemes are encouraged to file a complaint
at www.IC3.gov.

Mystery/Secret Shopper Schemes
01/20/10—The IC3 has been alerted to an increase in
employment schemes pertaining to mystery/secret shopper
positions. Many retail and service corporations hire
evaluators to perform secret or random checks on themselves
or their competitors, and fraudsters are capitalizing on
this employment opportunity.
Victims have reported to the IC3 they were contacted via
e-mail and U.S. mail to apply to be a mystery shopper.
Applicants are asked to send a resume and are purportedly
subject to an extensive background check before being
accepted as a mystery shopper. The employees are sent a
check with instructions to shop at a specified retailer for
a specific length of time and spend a specific amount on
merchandise from the store. The employees receive
instructions to take note of the store’s environment, color,
payment procedures, gift items, and shopping/carrier bags
and report back to the employer. The second evaluation is
the ease and accuracy of wiring money from the retail
location. The money to be wired is also included in the
check sent to the employee. The remaining balance is the
employee’s payment for the completion of the assignment.
After merchandise is purchased and money is wired, the
employees are advised by the bank the check cashed was
counterfeit, and they are responsible for the money lost in
addition to bank fees incurred.
In other versions of the scheme, applicants are requested
to provide bank account information to have money directly
deposited into their accounts. The fraudster then has
acquired access to these victims’ accounts and can withdraw
money, which makes the applicant a victim of identity theft.

Tips you can use to avoid becoming a victim
of employment schemes associated with mystery/secret
- Do not respond to unsolicited (spam) e-mail.
- Do not click on links contained within an
unsolicited e-mail.
- Be cautious of e-mail claiming to contain pictures
in attached files, as the files may contain viruses.
Only open attachments from known senders. Virus scan all
attachments, if possible.
- Avoid filling out forms contained in e-mail messages
that ask for personal information.
- Always compare the link in the e-mail to the link
you are actually directed to and determine if they match
and will lead you to a legitimate site.
- There are legitimate mystery/secret shopper programs
available. Research the legitimacy on companies hiring
mystery shoppers. Legitimate companies will not charge
an application fee and will accept applications online.
- No legitimate mystery/secret shopper program will
send payment in advance and ask the employee to send a
portion of it back.
Individuals who believe they have information pertaining
to mystery/secret shopper schemes are encouraged to file a
complaint at www.IC3.gov.

Haitian Earthquake Relief Fraud Alert
01/13/10—The FBI today reminds Internet users who receive
appeals to donate money in the aftermath of Tuesday’s
earthquake in Haiti to apply a critical eye and do their due
diligence before responding to those requests. Past
tragedies and natural disasters have prompted individuals
with criminal intent to solicit contributions purportedly
for a charitable organization and/or a good cause.
Therefore, before making a donation of any kind,
consumers should adhere to certain guidelines, to include
the following:
- Do not respond to any unsolicited (spam) incoming
e-mails, including clicking links contained within those
- Be skeptical of individuals representing themselves
as surviving victims or officials asking for donations
via e-mail or social networking sites.
- Verify the legitimacy of nonprofit organizations by
utilizing various Internet-based resources that may
assist in confirming the group’s existence and its
nonprofit status rather than following a purported link
to the site.
- Be cautious of e-mails that claim to show pictures
of the disaster areas in attached files because the
files may contain viruses. Only open attachments from
known senders.
- Make contributions directly to known organizations
rather than relying on others to make the donation on
your behalf to ensure contributions are received and
used for intended purposes.
- Do not give your personal or financial information
to anyone who solicits contributions: Providing such
information may compromise your identity and make you
vulnerable to identity theft.
Anyone who has received an e-mail referencing the above
information or anyone who may have been a victim of this or
a similar incident should notify the IC3 via
